Short post based on a cool quote I read the other day.
"The difference between a dream and a nightmare is how big your balls are."
Pretty interesting quote right? At first you're knocked back at the light vulgarity of it, then you actually start thinking about it and you realize just how deep it is. It basically is saying that you decide how you react and choose to live your life. How are you going to react to a tough situation? Are you going to cower in fear and basically stay stuck in your own personal nightmare, or are you going to man up and realize what's going on and make a hard change to get out of the nightmare. What about in life, why not go all out and dream, attempt the impossible, at least you know that you tried. At the end of the say I'd like to say that I did everything in my power to accomplish my impossible, and if I fail, at least I gave it my all and I dreamed the dream.
So how big are you balls? You gonna create and live your dream or are you gonna just stay stagnant and live in a nightmare. Just something to think about.
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